Disclaimer: This blog is published as a requirement of assingment for the subject "Technology in Teaching and Learning (EDU 3053)" for students from IPGKTHO ,Degree in TESL, Semester 4. It is not to be intended for use as a reference or as a teaching material

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Common Noun

Common Noun

Here are some tips

*A common noun is a noun.  Remember, a noun is a person, place, or thing.
* A common noun is seen in singular form.
*A common noun is not a specific noun like dog, house, picture, or computer.
*A common noun always begins with a lower case letter like street

Now, let us do some exercise on Common Noun


I bet you can answer above questions smoothly. 

Now, do you understand what is Common Noun?

Click on the link below and try out more exercises on Common Noun.

Common Noun Worksheet

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